DIY Chalkboard Paint Mugs

Write messages to your family member while pouring them a cup of coffee in the morning! This simple chalkboard coffee mug is adorable :)

Write messages to your family members while pouring them a cup of coffee in the morning! This simple chalkboard coffee mug is adorable 🙂

I was so excited when I first heard of chalkboard paint. A simple and affordable way to create a writing surface on almost anything! These chalkboard mugs are perfect for everyday use! Here are the details:

Tape your mug in the places you don’t want to have any paint. The areas where you want to paint will need many coats! Once fully painted, take the tape off immediately. After your paint completely dries, bake your mug at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. After you bake it, the paint will be permanent! When the mug cools down, start drawing on it!

Chalkboard Mug Steps

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